Good 2 know about water parameters
Here you find additional explanations about individual parameters on our analysis reports.
Basic parameters
Bulk elements
Trace elements
Articles about aquarium chemistry
Analysis data of biotopes around the world.
Thanks to all Oceamo fans who provide us with water samples from these locations.
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We were guests of Mark Flato in the marine aquarium channel and answered your questions about the “Kalkwasser Methode”.
We were guests of Mark Flato in the marine aquarium channel and answered your questions about the “Kalkwasser Methode”.
Here you can find detailed instructions from Mark Flato in the Marine Aquarium Channel and the answers to your your questions about the “Kalkwasser Methode” .
What is Oceamo Corrector ? Find the answers and explainations in this video.
We explain on the marine aquarium channel how to take the water sample for the Oceamo ICP analysis and how you can avoid various mistakes.