Wir haben das Oceamo Labor kräftig aufgerüstet, und können als einziger Anbieter in Europa ICP-MS Analysen für Dein Riffaquarium anbieten.

What is ICP-MS?

ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma with Mass Spectrometry) is an analytical technique that offers up to 10,000 times lower detection limits (higher sensitivity) than ICP-OES.

Why is this an advantage for reef keeping

There are a number of (important/essential) trace elements in seawater that cannot be optimally measured in the target range using ICP-OES, as the optimum concentration is below the detection limit. This results in a “n.a.” in the analysis report (= not detectable).

ICP-MS can be used to detect deficiencies in essential ultra-trace elements such as copper, cobalt, chromium, tin, nickel, selenium and zinc (and many more). can be reliably measured. This allows us to reliably determine the trace element status in the reef aquarium and adjust the dosage if necessary.

A major advantage of ICP-MS is also the detection of toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, thallium, bismuth, etc. – Even the lowest concentrations of these problematic elements can be reliably measured.

Some additional elements (caesium, gallium, cerium, thorium, tellurium, ruthenium) are also determined in your aquarium water using ICP-MS.

When is ICP-MS analysis useful?

Whenever there are problems in the aquarium (STN/RTN, growth stagnation, other problems in the care of corals): ICP-MS can detect problems that remain hidden by ICP-OES. We also recommend an ICP-MS measurement at least every 6 months to determine the trace element and pollutant status.

How can I get an ICP-MS analysis?

You can simply use your Oceamo sampling kit and book the upgrade to ICP-MS online. All you have to do is enter your analysis number and complete the process before the sample reaches our laboratory.

A dedicated ICP-MS analysis set will also soon be available. However, the upgrade option remains available so that you can decide whether you want to use the ICP-MS service or the “Classic” analysis when taking samples.

Simply contact us if you have any questions!

Best regards, Euer Oceamo Team

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